Talk Time Thursday – Makaia Carr Creator of ‘MotivateMe NZ’

This week’s Talk Time Thursday is the inspiring and motivating Makaia Carr. She is the creator of Motivate Me New Zealand (MMNZ) where she along with a group of professionals motivate and teach women how to adopt healthier lifestyles through her program, incorporating clean eating, helpful hints, guidelines and so much more. Before I give to much away, here’s Makaia Carr…

How young are you?
34 years of age but feel so much younger!
Give us a brief rundown on your life’s journey so far…
Married, mother of 2 beautiful kids – Gabe 16, Jana Lee 8, we all live in Auckland although my husband and I are born and bred in Taranaki. I have always had a strong interest in sports, fitness an exploring what makes me healthy and motivated. The passion i have for seeing all women being the absolute best versions of themselves possible inspired me to build Motivate Me NZ. The positive impact I see MMNZ having on the every day lives of our members and their entire families is what keeps me believing in what I do and what MMNZ stands for! Which is Believe Belong Become….
What is your philosophy towards health and wellness?
Im not a very philosophical person and I like to keep things simple!
Eat Clean – put as much REAL food into my body when it needs to be fuelled and aim to move my body to sweating point each and every day
What was your catalyst for change within your own health and wellness?
I had a couple of drivers – one a couple of years ago was purely superficial – I wanted to look good in a bikini while going on a holiday to Rarotonga with a group of girlfriends who all had fabulous bodies – simple as that – huge motivator for me at the time.
A more significant moment was when I injured my knee badly at a pre season netball game a few years back – I was overweight, unfit and my body would not do what my mind thought it could and I ended up having surgery on it – it was a real wake up call!
Since working on the outside of my body I have come to realise and be more aware of what the inside of me feels like. My mind, moods, body, actions, everything is reflective of how well I am treating me self. If I’m happy, fit and healthy, it makes for a far better life for those close to me 🙂
What are your top three tips for someone who wants better health and energy?
1. Sleep – getting enough sleep is so crucial. I don’t think we truly realise how it hinders our progress with weight loss, development, fitness, lots of things if our body is tired and not restoring fully each night.
2. Drink water – I aim to drink 3 L of water per day (more if training) – most days I drink 2-2.5, but by aiming high I know I’m getting enough. Staying hydrated keeps me feeling awake, refreshed and stops any headaches or sluggish feelings creeping in – not  to mention how good it is for visible beauty of the eyes and skin 🙂
3. Want more energy? Then be energetic – get up and move your feet and your body regardless of how you feel, sometimes you just have to do it! Being energetic will create more energy – fake it til you make it!
Some tips for living healthy on a budget?
Buy Porridge Oats – these are so healthy, versatile and cheap, I have a big bag in my pantry all the time. Great to add to smoothies to add more bulk and fill you up, make yummy porridge bowls or overnight oats with added fruits and nuts and even whizz up in a blender to make a healthy baking alternative to flour.
What is your go to exercise or training session?
Right now its cross fit – I’m still quite new to it but I love that I can just show up and rock out a session without having to think or plan – perfect after a busy day at work! I go to Cross Fit East Auckland and love the strong community and team culture they have and also important is that they have experienced, supportive coaches that work closely with each participant ensuring correct form and technique always!
and when your short on time?
If I’m short on time and need an exercise fix I will drop to the floor and do press ups, sit ups and air squats  – alternating in sets of 10 until my time is up OR I have a fabulous paper plate work out I do at home often too Click Here to check it out.
Whats your go-to snack/meal when you are extra busy or in a rush?
Avocado, cottage cheese and salmon on a piece of Vogels toast 🙂
Would you like a share one of your yummy dishes with us?
MMNZ recipe
How do you reduce stress in your day to day life with work, children and staying healthy and on-track?
Recently I have being doing yoga. I have just learnt a nice little sequence that I practice over and over – sometimes just for 20mins other times 40 – just depending on how much quiet time I can find. Im teaching myself to slow down, breath and enjoy those moments of peace,
What would you say to your 20year old self if you knew what you know now?
Don’t sweat the small stuff, enjoy life, smile more, let go of your past and BELIEVE in yourself cause you are actually pretty awesome!
Who is your inspirational role-model or mentor and why?
My mother has always been someone that inspires me – she raised 5 girls alone, while working as a full time nurse and studying full time at Polytech to qualify herself. I have vivd memories of her studying at the kitchen table after a long shift at the hospital, falling asleep in her books and then being up in the kitchen first thing in the morning to make our breakfast and lunches for school. She would do this every day! I realise now as a busy mother myself, with only two kids, how hard that must have been for her!
Favourite quote or mantra?
Has to be mine:
“Believe Belong Become”
BELIEVE – That you can achieve your goals and dreams
BELONG – To something positive and encouraging that is aligned to your goals
BECOME – Your vision, your goal, your dream!
Thank you so much Makaia for sharing your story and some awesome fit tips and health tricks of the trade, you really are a true inspiration and role model to all New Zealand Women! 🙂
If you want to check out more about Makaia and see what her program ‘Motivate Me NZ’ is all about check it out here on her website and also on her Facebook page 
Megs and Soph x

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